Utopia PR by Adam Bender | ARC Review

"Most people don't trust people in power, whether it's the government or a big 

Review : 

Utopia PR, written by Adam Bender, is a political satire set in a 
dystopian Washington, DC, that offers a brisk and entertaining sendup of 
politics and the media, two machines driven by capitalism and ambition. 
Public-relations extraordinaire Blake Hamner (the n is silent) put off his 
honeymoon for his big break: joining a major political campaign for president. 
Now, the “Hammer” struggles to make time for his marriage as Crisis 
Communications Manager for Our Leader, who since taking power has 
become increasingly mad and totalitarian. 
The Hammer starts to reconsider his career choices when one of Our 
Leader’s savage steel hounds attacks the Comms team at a press conference. 
When a revolutionary levels grave allegations against Our Leader—and 
implicates Blake for the cover-up—the PR rep who thought he could talk his 
way out of any crisis finds himself utterly trapped in a dystopian job. 
Bender employs a smooth, amusing, and straightforward prose style that’s 
briskly paced. Its tone is irreverent, and readers looking for a quick chuckle 
will likely enjoy Bender’s winking comedy, which is punctuated with 
genuinely sweet, sincere moments. It is extremely well-written with humor, 
wit and imagination, and it’s a lighthearted, uplifting vision into the dark 
times we’re facing.

Audience :



  1. Wow , the review motivates me to read the actual book. Thanks for the awesome review. Keep up the good work 👌


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